Going far, with the music
Stucchi throughout its history has always been sensitive to social responsibility, creating links over time with local institutions and associations in fields like sport, culture, art and environment preservation.
Starting from this edition of the Bergamo Opera Festival (and for the next two years), Stucchi can claim the title of Donizetti Ambassador and thus support the promotion of a solidarity project.
The project chosen for this year, developed and curated by Cooperativa Ruah of Bergamo, is called “Terra tra le mani (Earth in your hands). Empowerment for women in the Kankaba gardens“ and aims to develop female entrepreneurship in the village of Marsassoum, Senegal, in the Casamance region.
In concrete terms, it aims to support 100 village women in the management of the gardens, financing their structures and equipment, and, through training, encouraging a culture of micro-entrepreneurship that contributes to the development of their community.
All the resources collected during the Festival evenings (until December 1st, at Teatro Sociale in Città Alta, Bergamo) will be used to boost the project and support the work of the Marsassoum women. These women truly represent the backbone of a continent, committed as they are to creating wealth and family well-being.
The sharing of this commitment brings together two different realities: one entrepreneurial and the other non-profit, but united by the desire to be promoters of development and sustainable growth even in contexts that may be geographically distant but actually connected by experience of many women and men who live and work with us.
Do together, different in the body but with the same heart.
An account is available to collect donations: IBAN IT78E030690960610000142785