- Easy cleaning of the flat faces that prevents the ingress of dirt during the coupling ensuring the cleaning of the circuit.
- Minimum loss of fluid during decoupling while fully respecting the environment.
- Irrelevant air inlet during coupling / decoupling.
- The particular internal design guarantees maximum resistance and minimum loss of load, leading to the energy
- Good resistance to pulsating pressures.
- Compact dimensions.
- Safety and ease of use.

“FIRG” is the original series of flat-faced couplings. Designed in 1983, the “FIRG” series immediately represented a major innovation in the field of quick couplings. Used in many sectors of hydraulics, over time it has become the leading series for the realization of the international standard ISO 16028 for couplings interchangeability. Thanks to the good performance and the many advantages it offers, even today the “FIRG” series is widely used and recognized by the major world manufacturers of hydraulic machines and equipment. It is used in all the applications where it is necessary to eliminate the loss of fluid and contamination of the circuit.