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GR6 6A-2EC V01

GR6 6A-2EC V01 is specifically developed and designed from standard GR6 6A-2EC multicoupling for truck trailer application, to be used for connecting hydraulic lines like steering, suspension and pilot lines.

Pin and connection cam are designed with dedicated materials, production and quality process, to achieve peculiar safety level needed to be used on truck trailer hydraulic fluid power lines.

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  • GR6 6A-2EC V01 is specifically developed and designed from GR6 6A-2EC model for truck trailer application
  • To be used on truck trailer application where the OEM has to provide a previous design risk analysis (FMEA or similar process) to allow a hydraulic multiconnection to be used for connecting hydraulic lines like steering, suspension and pilot lines
  • Pin and connection cam provided with dedicated materials, production and quality process to achieve peculiar safety level need to be used on truck trailer hydraulic fluid power lines
  • Parking station and cover plates protects the system from contamination and damage as well as to provide a convenient storage solution
  • Mobile plate and cover plate provided with holes for water condensation escape, if assembled upside-down
  • The locking mechanism ensures a full connection and prevents accidental disconnection
  • Flat face couplings are easy to clean, reducing the inclusion of contamination to the hydraulic circuit
  • Internal valve design creates minimal pressure drop, maintaining circuit efficiency in the system
  • Minimal fluid loss during disconnection, reducing fluid loss to the environment
  • Minimal air inclusion during connection/disconnection
  • High resistance at impulse pressures
  • Safe and simple to use

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