- Easy cleaning of flat faces that prevents dirt from entering during coupling, ensuring circuit cleanliness.
- Minimal fluid loss during uncoupling in full respect of the environment.
- Negligible air intake during coupling/uncoupling.
- The particular internal design ensures maximum strength and minimal pressure drop, leading to energy savings for the entire system.
- The modular structure allows for a wide range of thread sizes without the need for adapters.
- Good resistance to pulsating pressures.
- Compact dimensions.
- Safety and ease of use.

The A-FS series is the evolution of the A series with a special front seal that prevents dirt particles from entering the circuit, eliminating the need for a protective cap when the coupling is disconnected.
The flat face valve is also easy to clean and reduces the risk of contamination within the hydraulic circuit. During disconnection, there is minimal fluid spillage, thus reducing fluid dispersion into the environment.
During connection, air inclusion is minimal, and the internal valve design creates minimal pressure loss, maintaining circuit efficiency in the system.
Furthermore, the Zinc Nickel treatment ensures high corrosion resistance.
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