The Code of Ethics expresses the set of principles and rules of behavior that Stucchi has decided to adopt in carrying out its activities and in the relationship with all its interlocutors and represents the point of reference for daily work.
Code of Ethics and MOGC
“During our first 60 years of history we have provided a constant flow of solutions to all our customers in five continents. We have always been inspired by certain principles and values that we constantly want to express with force and clarity so that they continue to guide our approach to the market, to the communities where we operate, to the people who work with us and to those who have a legitimate interest in our activities. We also expect our partners to adhere to these business principles and values.”.
Board of Directors
Stucchi Code of EthicsThe MOGCStucchi has adopted its own organization, management and control model, with a view to guaranteeing compliance with laws and regulations. Its implementation (as required by Legislative Decree 231/2001) not only reduces legal risks, but also contributes to creating an ethical, transparent and efficient working environment.
Stucchi has adopted its own organization, management and control model, with a view to guaranteeing compliance with laws and regulations. Its implementation (as required by Legislative Decree 231/2001) not only reduces legal risks, but also contributes to creating an ethical, transparent and efficient working environment.