The Environmental Challenge: Quick Couplings to Prevent Leakage

Research and development in the quick coupling industry is advancing beyond functionality and focusing on manufacturing leak-free quick couplers which also minimize impact to the environment. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), every year, more than 370 million liters of hydraulic fluid runs off from hydraulic systems and ends up on the ground or in water sources such as rivers, lakes and aquifers.

As more businesses have established improved standards for eco-friendly practices, there are more opportunities than ever before to improve the environmental impact of our products. Manufacturing is more than designing and engineering for improved functionality and performance. Sustainability and efficiency can actually support each other to create new hydraulic solutions.

Sustainable and Efficient Flat Face Couplers

An example of engineering ingenuity is the flat face coupling system which includes a flat face valve, spring mechanism, safety closing system and specific seals in order to minimize, if not completely eliminate, fluid leakage during disconnection. Eliminating the intermediate space between the male and female couplers prevents fluid from gathering in the coupler and leaking into the environment.

Flat face coupling systems which prevent hydraulic fluid from collecting in the coupler also provide a remarkable impact to cost efficient production activities. Industrial benefits of leak free flat face couplings include:

  • Minimize fluid leakages and clean-up efforts – save time and money by not containing and properly disposing of hydraulic fluid
  • Increased equipment uptime – prevent unplanned machinery downtime and forced stops due to leaks and insufficient pressure
  • Do no contaminate the ground you work on – agricultural processes must preserve the soil and water which are productive resources
  • Eliminate external contamination of quick couplers –eliminating the gap in between the male and female couplers prevents damage due to accumulation of pollutants and contaminants
  • Improve safety – leak free quick couplers protect workers and machinery operators by preventing injuries and illnesses caused by exposure to contaminants

Leak free flat face couplers are proven to provide these benefits to production performance as well as contribute to environmentally sustainable practices.  This is a cause that Stucchi strongly believes in and supports with innovative, efficient hydraulic quick coupling solutions.  We are committed to research and development, providing new ideas and first to market products which provide important advantages to our customers.

Stucchi has been a leading global supplier of efficient hydraulic quick couplings for over 60 years, with our flat face coupler design meeting ISO 16028 standards since 1999.  We are certified to ISO9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001, providing environmentally friendly and sustainable quick coupling systems to a multitude of industry sectors and applications worldwide.

Contact us to learn more about our leak free flat face couplers for sustainable and efficient hydraulic solutions.


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