
In the Refrigeration sector, special couplings are needed to allow the vehicle air conditioning system to be recharged for insulated vans transporting frozen and fresh products, as they are for low-temperature eutectic plates. These fields of use call for compact components, guaranteeing the absence of fluid or gas leaks, which would otherwise cause the machinery to malfunction.

More specifically, Stucchi quick couplings, designed for vehicle air conditioning, have the following features:

  • dimensions and tolerances which comply with the reference standards to guarantee interchangeability with the couplings on the vehicles;
  • the use of red and blue anodised aluminium components to easily distinguish between the supply and extraction line;
  • special sealing systems guarantee maximum seal of the gas, making the filling operation safe and efficient;
  • the special design of the sleeve prevents accidental disconnection.

More specifically, Stucchi quick couplings, designed for eutectic plates, have the following features:

  • the use of multi-coupling solutions allows the simultaneous connection of the supply and extraction lines;
  • the possibility of integrating electric lines to enable instrumentation;
  • connection and disconnection are carried out without risk of contamination thanks to the specific design of the flat face valves;
  • special sealing systems prevent leaks during disconnection for greater safety and efficiency.

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