Innovations in quick couplings to withstand all types of stress
One of the most important factors when considering the design of quick couplings is their durability: given their use in applications where they are subject to high mechanical stresses, it is essential to adequately assess their durability over time.
Research and development therefore focuses on identifying the main causes of wear in quick couplings, understanding how to remedy these, and testing the results thus obtained. It is thanks to the solidity of this method that Stucchi solutions have established themselves at a global level with product lines suitable for all needs and applications, with the guarantee of enduring quality.
A variety of factors lead to wear in a quick coupling. Corrosion, for example, may be caused both by the external environment and the hydraulic fluid in use, and this therefore requires the use of special materials and treatments to prevent occurrence of this phenomenon.
Another cause is contamination, which occurs when dirt or other external agents are mixed with the hydraulic fluid that damage the components of the circuit. It is, therefore, imperative to adopt mechanisms that limit contact with the external environment such as, for example, couplings with flat-faced sealing valves.
Mechanical stress is another aspect that critically affects the operation of a quick coupling. This is especially true in the earth-moving and Oil & Gas sectors where the forces which the connection zones must withstand are extremely intense, since the force generated by such high operating pressures is compounded to the external forces caused by the movement of the pipes.
A quick coupling must therefore guarantee soundness of the coupling despite these extreme conditions and, at the same time, allow rapid decoupling of the circuit. Marrying these two requirements has produced different solutions.
Traditionally, a metal ball locking system is used, but this solution is unsuitable for situations involving large physical stresses. Indeed, in these conditions, the metal ball, while guaranteeing the soundness of the coupling, transmits these forces to the surfaces particularly intensely, given the limited area of contact between the components. This causes brinelling on the male coupling, or small furrows left by the metal ball which, in the long run, negatively impact on the lifetime of the quick coupling.
If a quick coupling must withstand intense mechanical stresses, the most suitable solution is a screw coupling mechanism. By distributing the forces over the entire thread of the screw, the contact surface between the male and the female parts is increased without increasing the size of the coupling. Doing so, the forces involved are distributed more effectively and the components are not damaged, preserving their integrity over time.
Stucchi has developed this quick coupling technology with screw closure that guarantees high performance levels, even in situations of intense mechanical stress, making it the ideal solution for the earth-moving and Oil & Gas sectors. Find out more about our product lines by contacting us.