The importance of testing in the development of quick couplings
The search for innovative solutions can create true progress only if it is accompanied by a rigorous testing system that simulates the conditions of operation. Indeed, practical application is the most stringent and most demanding overseer for quick couplings.
Working in the sector for 60 years and addressing the needs of a global, multi-sector market, Stucchi has perfected its process of developing new ideas and products for hydraulic circuits, which includes testing for correct operation in a variety of conditions that reproduce conditions in the end application.
Stucchi therefore includes a state-of-the-art testing area, which enables the necessary tests to be carried out for product development and certification of use, as well as meeting specific verification requirements requested by customers. Before being placed on the market, new couplings undergo testing required by the international ISO 18869 standard (Hydraulic fluid power – Test methods for couplings actuated with or without tools) and, when requested, specific tests required by manufacturers.
The parameters that Stucchi measures during these tests are related to:
- Pulsation pressure – to test resistance of the coupling over time for pressure cycles that may occur in the most demanding applications;
- Burst pressure – to check the safety margin between the operating pressure and the breaking pressure;
- Flow – the maximum volume of fluid that can pass through the quick coupling under particular operating conditions is checked, establishing the maximum limit suggested to ensure optimum performance;
- Pressure drops – to measure pressure drops caused by turbulence during the transit of fluid through the coupling and thus allow the system builders to correctly size the pumps to achieve the desired performance specifications;
- Coupling/decoupling force – the force required to couple and decouple the quick coupling is measured;
- Spillage – an inspection is carried out during decoupling to detect any oil leakage and the quantity of oil is assessed. A correctly designed quick coupling minimises, if not completely eliminates, spillage, providing a greater degree of safety in the workplace and prevents environmental contamination.
All the information obtained during these tests is included in the data on the product sheets, which provide all the information required for the correct use of the quick coupling.
Stucchi’s commitment to research, development and testing of its products has guaranteed a continual flow of quick coupling solutions for 60 years. Contact us to find out more.