Quick couplings

Explore the range of Stucchi quick couplings through the filters or select the series of your interest:

products found




Products table

products found
Series Item code Type Product name
A 801309025
M A15 S20
A 801309006
F A9 S10
A 801309007
M A9 S10
A 801309008
F A9 S12
A 801309009
M A9 S12
A 801309014
F A13 S12
A 801308105
M A9V L12
A 801308041
M A13 L22
A 801308042
F A13 L18
A 801308043
M A13 L18
A 801308103
M A13V L15
A 801308104
F A9V L12
A 801308038
F A9 L8
A 801308039
M A9 L8
A 801308040
F A13 L22
A 801308023
M A17 L18
A 801308024
F A17 L22
A 801308025
M A17 L22
A 801308034
F A9 L18
A 801308035
M A9 L18
A 801308018
F A15 L18
A 801308019
M A15 L18
A 801308020
F A15 L22
A 801308021
M A15 L22
A 801308022
F A17 L18
A 801308016
F A15 L15
A 801308017
M A15 L15
A 801308006
F A9 L15
A 801308007
M A9 L15
A 801308008
F A9 L10
A 801308009
M A9 L10
A 801308001
M A13 L12
A 801308002
F A13 L15
A 801308003
M A13 L15
A 801308004
F A9 L12
A 801308005
M A9 L12
A 801308000
F A13 L12
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